Technical Name: | Butachlor 50% EW |
CIR No | CIR - 51,211 / 2005 - Butachlor (EW)(253) - 1458 |
Packing | 1Ltr, 5Ltr |
Crop: | Transplanted Rice |
Weeds: | Cyperus difformis, Echinochloa, Crusgalli, Eleusine Indica, Flimbristylis iliacea & Eclipta Alba |
Dosage: | 1 – 1.2 Litre / Acre |
Symptom | The early symptoms may be combination of headache, giddiness, nausea and convulsion. Vomiting may occur if swallowed. |
First Aid | 1. If swallowed, a gastric lavage with warm water may be given, followed by adminstration of mixture containing activated charcoal 2 parts, magnesium oxide, 1 part and tannic acid, 1 Part in 300 ml of warm water. 2. If skin is contaminated, wash with soap and plenty of water. 3. If eyes are contaminated, flush well with clean water. |
Technical Name: | Pretilachlor 50% EC |
CIR No | CIR-177327/2021 -Pretilachlor (EC) (423)1124 |
Packing | 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr |
Crop: | Transplanted Rice |
Weeds: | Echinochloa Crus Galli Cyperus Difformis, Eclipta Alba, Ludwigia Parvifiora |
Dosage: | 400-600 ml / acre |
Symptom | Headache, Lethergy, giddiness, nervousness, nausea, vomiting may occur. |
First Aid | "1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling in back of the throat. 2. Wash contaminated skin and cloths with plenty of water and soap and apply emollient cream. 3. If eyes are contaminated, flush well with clean water." |
Technical Name: | Pretilachlor 37% W/W EW |
CIR No | CIR - 135281 / 2016 - Pretilachlor (EW) (368)423 |
Packing | 100ml, 250ml, 600ml, 1 Ltr & 3 Ltr |
Crop: | Transplanted Rice |
Weeds: | Echinochloa Colonum, E. crusgalli, Cyperus, Difformis, C iria, Digitaria sanguinalis, Frimbrstylis milaces, Eclipta alba, Ludwigia Parvifora , Monochoria vanginalis |
Dosage: | 600-750 ml/ Acre |
Symptom | "No case of human poisoning is on record. in laboratory animals, symptoms such as diarrhoea, decrease in spontaneous movement, tremors, clonic convulsions and ruffled fur were observed. " |
First Aid | Remove the affected person to a well-ventilated area or fresh air and protect him from under cooling. in case of skin contact : remove contaminated clothing and throughly wash the affected parts of the body with soap and water. in case of eye contact ; rinse eyes with clean water for several minutes. in casein injection : repeatedly administer medicinal charcoal in a large quantity of water. get the coming of the medical doctor immediately. |
Technical Name: | Imazethapyr 10% S.L. |
CIR No | CIR - 57,659 / 2007 - Imazethapyr (SL)(278)-43 |
Packing | 250ml, 500ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr, 10 ltr |
Crop: | Soyabean & Groundnut |
Weeds: | Cyperus Difformis, Echinochloa Colonum, E.Crushgali, Euphorbia Hirta, Croton Sparsiflorus, Digera Arvensis, Commeline Benghalensis, Trianthema, Portulacastrum & Erogrostis Pilosa |
Dosage: | 400-600 ml / acre |
Symptom | Irritation to skin and eyes may occur. |
First Aid | 1. If on skin : Remove contaminated clothing was this skin with plenty of soap and water. 2. If in eyes : Flush the eyes with plenty of water. 3. If inhale : Take the victim to open air. 4. If swallowed, induce vomiting |
Technical Name: | Metsulfuron Methyl 20% WP |
CIR No | CIR-52,419/2006 Metsulfuron Methyl (WP) (260)-79 |
Packing | 8gm, 10gm, 20gm, 50gm, 100gm, 200gm |
Crop: | Wheat |
Weeds: | Chenopodium Alibum Melilotus Indica, Cyperus, Rotundus, Lathyrus Aphaca, Vicia, Sativa |
Dosage: | 8 gm + 200 ml (Surfactant) / acre |
Symptom | Irritation of eyes, tearing, blurred vision, skin irritation with rash may occur. |
First Aid | "1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of throat. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious. 2. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the cloths and wash the contaminate skin with copious amount of soap and water. 3. If eyes are contaminated, flush with plenty of water for about 10 to 15 minutes. 4. If, inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air." |
Technical Name: | Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL |
CIR No | CIR - 29,426 / 98 / Paraquate Dichloride (SL)-107 |
Packing | 250ml, 500ml, 1ltr , 5ltr |
Crop: | Tea, Potato, Cotton, coffee |
Weeds: | Chenopodium Sp. Digera arvensis, Cyperus iria, Anagallis arvensis, Paspalum conjugatum, Euphorbia hirta |
Dosage: | 340-850ml/ acre |
Symptom | Irritaion Nose bleeding, Abdominal Discomfort, Losness of the bowels and signs of liver and kidney failure etc |
First Aid | Induce vomiting by tickling the back of the throat. Wash contaminated skin and cloths and irrigate eyes with plenty of water |
Technical Name: | Clodinafop Propargyl 15%WP |
CIR No | CIR45,125/2003-Piroxofop-Propanyl(Clodinafop Propargyl) (WP)(235)-72 |
Packing | 160gm (20gmX8) |
Crop: | Wheat |
Weeds: | Phalaris Minor(Canary Gress) |
Dosage: | 160 gm / acre |
Symptom | Dyspnea, Salivation, decreased activity and eye and skin irritation may occur. |
First Aid | "1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of throat. Repeat it until the vomitus is clear. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious. 2. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the clothes and wash the contaminated skin with copious amount of soap and water. 3. If eyes are containimated, flush with plenty of saline/clean water for about 10-15 minutes. 4. If inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air." |
Technical Name: | Sulfosulfuron 75% WG |
CIR No | CIR - 49,807 / 2005 - Sulfosulfuron (WG)(250)154 |
Packing | 13.5gm+500ml Surfactant |
Crop: | Wheat |
Weeds: | Phalaris Minor Chenopodium Album Melilotus albo |
Dosage: | 13.5 gm, 500 ml (surfactant) / acre |
Symptom | The product may cause irritation to eyes and skin, excessive salivation, dirrhoea, Lacrimation, laboured breathing etc. |
First Aid | Treat symptomatically. In case of accidential exposure to eyes, wash eyes with clean water for 15 minutes and see a doctor if irritaton persists. In case of skin contact, wash expose area with soap, plenty of soap and water. |
Technical Name: | Ammonium salt of Glyphosate 71% SG |
CIR No | CIR-66,848/2011-Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate(SG)(320)-710 |
Packing | 250gm, 500gm 1 kg |
Crop: | Tea & Non-Crop |
Weeds: | Acalypha indica, Side aculate, lpomea Digitara, Chicorium entibus, digera Arvensis, Digitaria sanguinalis, Paspalum conjugatum, Ageratum Conyzodes, Cynadon dactylon Cyperus rotundus, Eragrostis spp |
Dosage: | 1.20 kg / Acre |
Symptom | It is primarily, irritation on skin, eyes and respiratory tract. |
First Aid | Symptomatic, harmful if swalled. Do not get into the eyes, skin and clothes. In case of contact, wash immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. In case of poisioning, call a Physician. |
Technical Name: | Pendimethalin 30% EC |
CIR No | CIR - 29,440 / 98 / Pendimethalin(EC)-64 |
Packing | 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr |
Crop: | Wheat, Cotton, Soyabean, ground nut, Chillies, Onion |
Weeds: | Phalaris Minor, Chenopodium, Album, Melilotus Alba, Portulaca Oleracea, Anagallis Arvensis, Fumaria Parviflora, Poa Annua, Echinochloa Spp, Euphorbia Hirta, Trianthema Spp, Eleusine Indica, Trianthema Monogyna, Clome Viscose, Digitaria Sangiunalis, Melilotus spp, Elequine Indica, |
Dosage: | 1-2Lt. / acre |
Symptom | Symptoms of poisoning may include headache, giddiness, nausea, vomiting sweating, excessive lactimation salivation |
First Aid | 1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling in back of the throat. 2. Wash contaminated skin and cloths with plenty of water and soap and apply emollient cream. |
Technical Name: | Glyphosate 41% SL |
CIR No | CIR-60,160/2008 Glyphosate(SL)(290)-534 |
Packing | 100ml,250ml,500ml,1Ltr,5Ltr |
Crop: | Tea & Non Crop Areas |
Weeds: | Axonopus Compressus Cynodon Dactylon, Imparata Cylindrical, Polygonum Perfoliatum, Kalm Grass |
Dosage: | 800-1200 ml/ acre |
Symptom | The early symptoms may be combination of headache, giddiness, nausea and convulsion. Vomiting may occur if swallowed. |
First Aid | If swallowed, gastric lavage with warm water may be given, followed by administration of mixture containing activated charcoal 2 parts, Magnesium Oxide 1 part and tannic acid 1 part of 300 ml of warm water, wash contaminated skin with soap and plent of water. In case of eye contamination flush them with clean water. Call a physcian. |
Technical Name: | Pendimethalin 38.7% CS |
CIR No | CIR - 136128 / 2016 - Pendimethalin (CS) (354)440 |
Packing | 175ml, 350ml, 700ml, 1 Ltr & 3.5 Ltr |
Crop: | Cotton, Onion, Chilli & Soyabean |
Weeds: | Digitaria sanguinalis, Echinochloa colonum, Dinebra Arabica, Eragratis Minor, lantana camara, Brachiaria Mutica, Portulaca, oleracea, Amaranthus Spp., Cammelina communls, Parthenium hysterophorus, Dactyloctinum aegyptium, Dinebra Arabica, Digitaria Sanguinalis, Echinochloa Spp., Cammelina sps, Digera Arvensi, Amaranthus viridis, Chinopodium album, Physells minima, Digitaria saywinalis, Dactyloctenium, Euphorbia geniculata & cleome Viscosa |
Dosage: | 600-700 ml/ Acre |
Symptom | "Symptoms of poisoning may include headache, giddiness, nausea, vomiting sweating, excessive lactimation salivation " |
First Aid | "In case of skin contact remove contaminated clothes immediately. wash the contaminated skin throughly with soap and water. if inhaled, keep patient clam, remove to fresh air. in case of eye contact wash affected eye for at least 15 minutes under running water with eyelids held open. in case of ingestion rinse mouth immediately and then drink plenty of water. seek medical attention. " |
Technical Name: | 2, 4-D Amine Salt 58% SL |
CIR No | CIR-52,418/2006-2,4-D Amine Salt(SL)(260)-1063 |
Packing | 250ml, 400ml, 1Ltr |
Crop: | Sorghum, Maize, Wheat, Aquatic Weeds & Potato |
Weeds: | Cyperus iria, Striga Spp., Trianthema Spp., Tridax Procumbens, Digera Arvensis, Convolvulus Arvensis, Euphorbia Hirta, Phyllanthus Niruri, Trianthema Monagyna, Amaranthus Spp., Tribulus Terrestris, Boerhavia Diffusa, Euphorbia Hirta, Portulaca Oleracea, Cyperus Spp., Chenopodium Album, Asphodelus Tenuifolius, Fumasis SPP., Melilotus Alba, Convolvulus Arvensis, Elchhornia Crassipes, & Cyperus Rotundus |
Dosage: | 345ml-1.8Ltr / Acre |
Symptom | Nausea, headache, weakness, diarrhoea, spasticity of muscles of the hand and feet. There may be hyperpyrexia in few cases. Death may occur due to ventricular fibrillation or cardiac arrest. |
First Aid | 1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling in back of the throat. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious. 2. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the clothes and was the contaminated sikin with copious amount of soap and water. 3. If eyes are contaiminated, flush with plenty of saline/clean water for about 10-15 minutes.. 4. If inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air. |
Technical Name: | Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl 10% WP Systemic Herbicide |
CIR No | CIR-161890/2019-Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl(WP)(399)-23 |
Packing | 20gm |
Crops | Transplanted Rice |
Weeds: | Cyperus Iria, Cyperus difformis, Monochoria Vaginalis, Fimbristylis miliacca |
Dosage: | 40-60gm Per Acre |
Symptom | Respiratory distress, Abnormal Movement, Convlsion may occur. Eye contact may initially cause eye irritation with discomfort, Tearing or blurring of vision. |
First Aid | Wash contaminated skin with plenty of soap and water. If eyes are contaminated flush eye throughly with water atleast 15minits. In case of poisoning by ingestion, Victim should be induced to vomit by giving table spoon of salt in warm water, Repeat till vomit fluid is clear. |
Technical Name: | Bisphyribac Sodium 10% W/v Sc |
CIR No | CIR-172050/2020 Bispyribac Sodium (SC) (412)-108 |
Packing | 5ml, 10ml, 20ml, 40ml, 80ml, 200ml, 250ml, 400ml, 500ml. 1 ltr |
Crop | Rice(Nursery) Rice (Transplanted) |
Weeds: | Cyperus difformis, Cyperus Iria, Fimbristylis Miliacca, Eclipta Alba, Ludwigia Parviflora, Monochoria Vaginalis, Alternanthera Philoxeroides, Echinochloa Crusgalli, Synodon Dactylon, Chenopodium Album. |
Dosage: | 80-100ml Per Acre |
Recommendatinos: | Bispyribac sidium 10% SC is effective against grasses, sedges and broad leaved weeds in rice crop. |
Symptom | Weakness, vomiting, salivation and diarrhea. |
First Aid | "1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of throat. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious. 2. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the cloths and wash the contaminate skin with copious amount of soap and water. 3. If eyes are contaminated, flush with plenty of water for about 10 to 15 minutes. 4. If, inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air. If not breathing, clear the airway and give artificial respiration. Get a medical attention immediately " |
Technical Name: | Atrazine 50% WP |
CIR No | CIR - 25,758 / 97 / Atrazine (WP)-155 |
Packing | 250gm,500gm |
Crop: | Maize, Bajra, Sugarcan, Potato |
Disease/Pest: | Trianthema Monogyna, Digera Arvensis, Echinocloa Spp, Eleusine Spp, Portulaca olercea, Digitaria Sp. Boerhaavia Diffusa, Tribulus Terrestris, Spergula Arvensis, Chenopodium Album. |
Dosage: | 400gm-1.5kg / Acre |
Symptom | Mycotonia, ventricular fibrillation, dizziness, Nausea and Vomiting. |
First Aid | 1. Induce vomiting by tickling in back of the throat. 2. Wash contaminated skin and cloths thoroughly with plenty of water and irrigate eyeas thoroughly. |
Technical Name: | Butachlor 50% EC |
CIR No | CIR - 9586 / 89 / Butachlor (EC)-513 |
Packing | 500ml, 1Ltr, 5Ltr |
Crop: | Transplanted Rice |
Weeds: | Cyperus Difformis,Cyperus Iria, Echnochloa Colonum, Elusin Indica, Eclipta Alba, Fibristylis Miliacea, Ludwigia Pulviflora, Sphenoclea Zeylanica. |
Dosage: | 1lt.-1.6lt. / Acre |
Symptom | Primary irritation to skin, eyes and respiratroy tract. |
First Aid | If swallowed, induce vomiting by giving the victim a table spoon of salt in glass of water. Repeat treatment till vomit fluid is clear. If clothing has been contaminated remove the clothing and wash the skin thoroughly with soap and water. If eyes are affected, flush eyes with plenty of water at least 15 minutes and get medical attention. |
Technical Name: | Metribuzin 70 % WP |
CIR No | CIR - 29,433 / 98 / Metribuzin (WP)-28 |
Packing | 100gm,250gm,500gm |
Crop: | Sugercane, Potato, Tomato, Soyabeen, Wheat. |
Weeds: | Cyperus Rotundus, Parthenium Hysterophorus, Digiteria Spp., Cyberusascutantus, Amaranthus Viridis, Fumaria Parviflora. |
Dosage: | 200-800gm Per Acre |
Symptom | Allergic manifestations, nervousness, anxiety, tremor and convulsion etc. |
First Aid | 1. If ingested, induce vomiting by tickling the back of the throat. Treat symptomatically. 2. Wash contaminated skin, eyes thoroughly with plenty of water and take nearest doctor's advice. |
Technical Name: | 2,4-D Ethyl Ester 38 % EC |
CIR No | CIR - 9938 / 89 / 2,4-D Ethyl Ester (EC)-175 |
Packing | 250ml,500ml,1Ltr |
Crop: | Wheat |
Weeds: | Chenopodium Album, Furmaria Parviflore, Melilotus Alba |
Dosage: | 480-880ml/Acre |
Symptom | Weakness and lethargy, anorexia, diarrhoes, weight loss and myctonia, spasticity may involve the muscles of mastication and swallowing as well as limbs. Ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest may accur. Hyperpyrexia and protracted peripheral neutritis may be complications. |
First Aid | If swallowed, induce vomiting by giving the victim a table spoon of salt in glass of water. Repeat treatment till vomit fluid is clear. If clothing has been contaminated remove the clothing and wash the skin thoroughly with soap and water. If eyes are affected, flush eyes with plenty of water at least 15 minutes. |
Technical Name: | Clodinafop Propagyl 9% + Metribuzin 20% WP |
CIR No | CIR-161895/2019-Clodinafop Propagyl+Metribuzin(WP)(399)-146 |
Packing | 240 gm |
Crop | Wheat |
Weeds: | It is recommended for the control of phalaris minor, Medicago spp. Melilotus spp, Chenopodium album, Cronopus didymus, Vicia sativa and Rumex spp. in wheat crop. |
Dosag: | 240gm/Acre | Symptom | Headache, nausea, allergic manifestation, nerviousness, anxiety, tremor spasicity in muscles, dyspnea, salivation decreased activity and eyes and skin irritation may occur. |
First Aid | 1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of throat. Repeat it until the vomitus is clear. 2. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the cloths and wash the contaminated skin with copious amount of soap and water. 3) If eyes are contaminated, flush with plenty of saline/clean water for about 10 to 15 minutes. 4. If inhated, remove the patient to fresh air immediately. |